$200 Cylinder Deposit for 100, 110, 115, 125LB Cylinders
$500 Cylinder Deposit for 100, 110, 115, 125LB Cylinders
Refrigerant HFC R-134a 30lb Cylinder
Non Flamable Gas Shipping Placard
229 Cu Ft Nitrogen Content
Replaceable Activated Core fits C-30000 thru C-40000 Series Shell
3/4 FPT X 1/4 Male Flare Refrigerant Drum Adaptor
48 Cu in Desiccant Core High Acid and Water Removal
Q 80 Cu Ft Nitrogen Content
Q 80 Cu Ft Nitrogen Tank Deposit
1 Gallon Vacuum Pump Oil
3/8 in Male Flare Refrigerant Drum Adapter K1 3
100 lb Capacity Cylinder Deposit Gray and Yellow
Replaceable Activated Core fits C-480 thru C-19200 Series Shell